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Artists In Residency Program

Calling DeSoto Artists



The DeSoto Artists Lab (DAL) is a new initiative of the City of DeSoto Arts Commission designed to invest in the development and visibility of artists living and working in our community. 


The DAL will allow up to ten artists to work as Artists in Residence in various spaces in our community, working primarily with a designated organization, city agency or in a commercial space where the public has open access to interact with the artists. These stipend-based residencies have mutual benefits for the artist and for the community – providing time and space for artists and other creative individuals to work; and involving residents and visitors in a variety of visual and performing art forms.


Artists will be selected through a competitive process.  The length of a residency can vary from one week up to six months and can support a single artistic discipline or bring together artists from across multi-disciplines.


DAL Artists are matched up with a mentor artist based on their level of experience, artistic medium and general interests. Mentors support the development and implementation of the residency projects.


The responsibilities of artists include, but are not limited to, self-scheduled meetings with mentors, participation in a series of technical assistance workshops provided by the City of DeSoto, conducting research to identify a space for the residency to occur and showcasing a public presentation of their work.



Emerging or professional artists who have a strong interest in engaging the community are eligible to apply. Artists working in all media are eligible. Preference is given to artists who live in DeSoto, Texas.

HOW TO APPLY: Artists should submit a single PDF file that includes:

  1. Letter of interest (indicating a strong rationale for acceptance into the DeSoto Artist Lab, and willingness to work with the City of DeSoto staff to develop a successful residency)

  2. Professional resume which includes your Artist Statement

  3. Project budget including artist fee for the residency period

  4. Up to six images that give the review panel an indication of the artist’s work and artistic discipline. (one photo per page) Note: (Performing artists may also submit links to audio or video files)


Application packet should be uploaded and sent to:


Deadline for submission of the application packet is Friday, December 9, 2022 at 5 pm.  No applications will be accepted after the deadline.

Wall Sketching

Preparing Your Application Packet:

Artists should submit a cohesive packet that includes:

•       Coversheet with the following information: Artist(s) contact information: name(s),                 mailing address, telephone number and email

•       Credentials: CV/Resume (limit 2 pages)

•       Three Professional references: (names, phone numbers and email addresses)

•       Artist statement:

         Many residency programs require this as part of the application. It is helpful to be               able to articulate your personal artistic statement. An artist statement should be                 coherent, brief and communicate your creative practice and your approach to the               residency for DeSoto.

  • Tell us why this project is important and important to you. How will your approach set you apart from other artists

  • Submit six (6) images of your strongest work, each labeled with a title, date of completion, location, materials, art budget. 



The panel will evaluate applications on the following criteria: 

  • Quality and aesthetics of past work

  • Creativity and innovation of concepts and themes

  • Ability to communicate concepts and ideas

  • Demonstrated experience working with communities



The DAL Review Panel will review the materials submitted and may request an in-person or virtual interview with the finalists.  Artists will be notified by email of acceptance to the DAL program and work with City staff to finalize a scope of services to be attached to their contract documents.


Follow this link to download a copy of the application.



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